High quality small scale maize machine at Africa
发布时间:2015-09-22 点击次数:
Maize processing in West Africa is based on traditional indigenous technology, which utilizes local raw materials, and in most cases, local equipment. These technologies are simple, with most of them having been developed through experience in the production of products of desirable quality. Maize is processed into a wide range of foods and beverages ranging from weaning and children's break fast porridge to adult main meals and snack foods.
Traditional foods are formulated based on local staple usually cereal grains such as maize, sorghum, millet and rice and roots and tubers such as yam and cassava . To be suitable for the feeding of young children, the cereals are prepared in liquid form by diluting with a large quantity of water, thereby resulting in a large volume with low energy and nutrient density .
But now ,aiming at west Africa market, Lucao company has put out some model for processing high quality maize flour and grits .Like 6FW-C2, 6FW-D1,6FW-D2, etc. For processing fine maize products. The key technology is peeling part. Our this series of machine can one time finish cleaning, peeling germ removal, toot and hilum removal, crushing, grits milling, grading, polishing and intensive selecting. The end products is the best material for African people to cook Schima, fufu,etc, and can be supplied for super market directly.
This series of machine is very suitable to start a small business for people to run a grain processing factory. Customer can produce corn grits, corn flour, wheat flour, white rice, etc and sell to market. Alternatively, if farmers have their own grain, customer can help these farmers make their grains into food, and customer earns processing cost as profit. High quality of machine and end maize products has won a big market for us in Africa market and also other maize planting area.

Welcome to contact us for more machine details.